Our Classes

Step into the world of Magick and Hermetics with our wide range of curriculum! Below are the classes that are essential to move forward on the Path of Progression and are offered right here in Austin, Texas. Those listed here are the classes to get started on your journey, so click the ICONS below to learn more. 




Sacred Geometry

Astral Travel

Journeys of the Spirit

12 Races of Earth

Empower Thyself

Experience alchemy for your soul with our two-day class, Empower Thyself. This transformative program features sacred Mystery School teachings and an ancient rite of passage called Initiation. Through this class, you will gain the tools and knowledge to transform, transmute, and achieve a higher vibration, ultimately accelerating your spiritual progression. Initiation is the key to unlocking your destiny, manifesting your greatest potential, and harnessing your innate gifts.

By completing this initiation, you will experience a tenfold increase in light and positive energy, expanding the amount of light within your energy body. This process of self-mastery allows you to direct this energy with your Will, applying focused energy towards your goals and making a greater impact in the world.

By participating in this class, you will not only receive the 2-day program and Initiation, but also a student manual and ongoing support from your Guide.

Please note that a Life Activation session is a required pre-requisite to receiving the Empower Thyself initiation. If you are interested in taking this class, please set up a consultation with one of our practitioners.

Sacred Geometry 1

Sacred Geometery is the Art of creating sacred space. You will receive the three Sacred Shapes of Geometries into your Aura to see the world differently.

There are currently 22 Sacred Geometry classes taught within the Modern Mystery School. The first 6 of these classes are taught locally in Austin, Texas.

Astral Travel

Have you ever wanted to Astrally Travel anywhere within the known Universe to gain more knowledge and understanding? You will learn how to safely do so within this class.

After practice and experience from this class, we also offer Advanced Astral Travel class locally.

Journeys of the Spirit

Using a meditation technique called the Sanctuary Meditation, you will meet your Higher Self. We will then go on different Journeys with our Higher Selves into the Elemental Realms of Spirit.

12 Races of Earth

Learn about all of the other races that have existed and currently exist on our planet. It’s time to meet the Faeries… and other magickal beings!!!

Connect with us!

We hope to serve you soon.





812 East 52nd st. Austin, TX 78751


hello (at) modernmysteryschooltx.com